Hormones and PT

Thyroid hormones

Gainutdinov MKh , Konov VV , Ishmukhamedov RN , Zakharova TN , Khalilova MA , Asparov MI. / [Oxidative phosphorylation uncoupling in hyperthyroidism as a result of activating cyclosporin-sensitive pores in the inner mitochondrial membrane by water soluble modulators from rat liver cytoplasm] // Biokhimiia, - 1993 May, - 58. - pp.692-9.    [MEDLINE]

Hoch FL. / Lipids and thyroid hormones. // Prog Lipid Res, - 1988, - 27. - pp.199-270.    [MEDLINE]

Sestoft L. / Metabolic aspects of the calorigenic effect of thyroid hormone in mammals. // Clin Endocrinol (Oxf), - 1980 Nov, - 13. - pp.489-506.    [MEDLINE]

Sterling K. / Thyroid hormone action: identification of the mitochondrial thyroid hormone receptor as adenine nucleotide translocase. // Thyroid, - 1991, - 1. - pp.167-71.    [MEDLINE]

Sterling K. / Direct triiodothyronine (T3) action by a primary mitochondrial pathway. // Endocr Res, - 1989, - 15. - pp.683-715.    [MEDLINE]

Thomas WE , Mowbray J. / Evidence for ADP-ribosylation in the mechanism of rapid thyroid hormone control of mitochondria. // FEBS Lett, - 1987 Nov 2, - 223. - pp.279-83.    [MEDLINE]

Other hormones

Halestrap AP. / The regulation of the matrix volume of mammalian mitochondria in vivo and in vitro and its role in the control of mitochondrial metabolism. // Biochim Biophys Acta, - 1989 Mar 23, - 973. - pp.355-82.    [MEDLINE]


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