Personal information about our workgroup members

Andrey G. Anishkin
personal information

Current position:

Faculty research assistant at the Department of Biology, University of Maryland, College Park.

Contact information:

Work address:
Department of Biology,
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742

Work phones
(310) 405-6923

Work fax
(310) 314-9358

Home address:
6315 Taylor Rd.,
Riverdale, MD 20737

Home fax:
+1 (810) 958-77-65


ICQ: 20422372

Personal details:

Born: 20 October 1972, Kharkov, Ukraine.
: Art, computer graphics, nature hiking.
Marital status: married.

Academic career:

1989 - 1994: Kharkov National University, M.Sc. in biophysics.
1994 - 1997: Kharkov National University, post-graduate in biophysics
1997 - 2000: Biology Research Institute of Kharkov National University, research fellow.
1999 - Ph.D. in Biophysics.
2000 - present: University of Maryland, College Park, faculty research assistant.

Curriculum Vitae

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