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on Mitochondrial Permeability Transition

Last updated 04 Sep 2000

Shekh V.E., Lemeshko V.V.
Phosphate-dependent swelling of mitochondria as a factor of activation of rotenone-insensitive NADH oxidation.
Membrane and Cell Biology. l996, v. 9, N 4, p. 405-414.

Padalko V.I., Udovikova E.A., Kozlova E.V., Lemeshko V.V.
[Effect of paracetamol on the microsomal oxidation, oxidative phosphorylation and liver mitochondria swelling in rats of various ages].
Ukr Biokhim Zh. 1996 Nov-Dec;68(6):92-8. Russian.

Lemeshko V.V., Shekh V.E., Aleksenko T.V.
[Intermembrane electron transport in the dynamics of high-amplitude swelling of rat liver mitochondria].
Ukr Biokhim Zh. 1995 Mar-Apr;67(2):28-34. Russian.

Shekh V.E., Alexsenko T.V., Lemeshko V.V.
[Mitochondrial intermembrane electron transport during rotenon-insensitive NADH oxidation in liver homogenates.]
Dokl. AN UkrSSR. Serie B. l995, N 5, p. 112-114.

Lemeshko V.V., Shekh V.E.
Hypotonic fragility of outer membrane and activation of external pathway of NADH oxidation in rat liver mitochondria are increased with age.
Mech Ageing Dev. 1993 May;68(1-3):221-33.

Lemeshko V.V., Belostotskaya L.I.
Decrease of phosphorylating oxidation and increase of heat producing NADH oxidation in rat liver mitochondria during life-span prolongation of rats by calorie-restricted diet.
Mech Ageing Dev. 1992 Mar 15;63(1):79-89.

Lemeshko V.V., Udovikova E.A.
[The effect of osmotic pressure on oligomycin-sensitive ATPase activity and the liberation of Mg2+ from liver mitochondria of rats of various ages].
 Ukr Biokhim Zh. 1992 Jan-Feb;64(1):83-8. Russian.

Udovikova E.A., Lemeshko V.V.
[Age-related differences in the effect of osmotic pressure on liver mitochondrial respiration in rats].
Biull Eksp Biol Med. 1991 Feb;111(2):150-2. Russian.

Lemeshko V.V., Nikitchenko Iu.V, Troianova V.N., Malanda P., Belostotskaia L.I.
[Features of ischemic injuries to membranes and activation of lipid peroxidation in the myocardium of rats of various ages].
Ukr Biokhim Zh. 1989 Mar-Apr;61(2):98-105. Russian.

Lemeshko V.V., Malanda P.
[Mg2+ release from heart mitochondria in ischemia: is it the defense mechanism or damage]?
Ukr Biokhim Zh. 1989 Jan-Feb;61(1):64-71. Russian.

Brovkovich V.M., Nikitchenko Iu.V., Lemeshko V.V.
[Damage to the Ca2+-transport function and the lipid component of the sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane in total ischemia of the rat myocardium].
Biull Eksp Biol Med. 1987 Nov;104(11):546-8. Russian.

Novgorodov S.A., Kultayeva E.V., Yaguzhinsky L.S., Lemeshko V.V.
Ion permeability induction by the SH cross-linking reagents in rat liver mitochondria is inhibited by the free radical scavenger, butylhydroxytoluene.
J Bioenerg Biomembr. 1987 Jun;19(3):191-202.

Petrenko A.Iu., Belous A.M., Lemeshko V.V.
[Effect of freezing-thawing rates on the functional state and ionic permeability of rat liver mitochondria].
Biokhimiia. 1982 Apr;47(4):626-32. Russian.


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